Maurizio Ruben

Qualified Avvocato: Admitted to the Bar of Milan (1981)


Law Degree – Università degli Studi of Milan (1979)

Diploma in Advanced International Studies – Mc George School of Law, University of Pacific, Sacramento CA (1988)

Languages: English, French, Italian

General Information:

Ing. Modiano Patent and Trademark Office: Legal Department (1979-1983)

Cogefar s.p.a. General Contractor – in-house Counsel (1983)

Pesce, Frignani, Pastore & Ruben – senior associate and Partner (1983- 1997)

Pastore & Ruben Law firm – founding Partner (1997 – 2007)

CDR Legal – founding Partner (2008 – today)

Visiting foreign lawyer at Kronick, Moskowitz, Tiedemann & Girard Law Firm, Sacramento, CA. (1988) Lecturer in: “knowhow and licensing” seminar, Piacenza, 1990; “technology, transfer, licensing and knowhow” seminar, Reggio Emilia, 1991; “technology training in transfer of technology”, Milan, 1993; “parallel imports and grey market”, IBA Conference in Barcelona, 1999. “L’évaluation des dommages-intérêts en matière de contrefaçon en Italie » in Gazette du Palais, Propriété Industrielle, Paris, 2008.