Art.1. This first International Congress of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists hereby resolves to create and establish a non-political and non-profitmaking body to be called HaIrgun HaBeinleumi shel Orchei Din U-Mishpetanim Yehudim, and in English “The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists” having the following objectives, purposes and articles.


Art.2. a) The Center and Head Office of the Association is in Jerusalem. The Association may establish branches and regional offices in such places and countries as may be decided by the Board of Governors and nominate representatives.

b) No branch shall be approved unless its stated objects are identical to the objects of the International Association.

c) All members of a branch must be members of the Association and pay fees directly to the Association.


Art.3.  The objects of the Association are:

a) To contribute, alone or with cooperation with other international or ‘national organizations’, towards the establishment of an International legal order based on the Rule of Law in relations between all Nations and states; and to promote Human Rights and the principles of equality of men and the right of all states and peoples to leave in peace.

b) To promote and maintain cooperation and exchanges between members of the Association.

c) To promote study of legal problems of special interest to Jewish Communities in the world within the framework of International and Domestic Law.

d) To promote in consultation with the legal profession in Israel and its organs, the study of legal problems of particular interest to the State of Israel.

e) To seek information and data on the legal and personal status of Jews in fact and in law, in various countries, with special reference to the status of Jews within the framework of the International Declarations and Conventions on Human Rights and International Law.

f) To promote the study of and research into the sources of Jewish Law with reference to the legal concepts of other nations.

g) With reference to the foregoing, to promote the study of and research into the system of comparative law with a view to disseminating information to members of the Association.

h) To organize, promote and maintain legal assistance through the members of the Association and its organs for such cases as may be approved by the Executive committee.

i) In respect of the foregoing to engage in any other matter in legal spheres as the organs of the Association may decide.



Art. 4. The membership in the Association shall be open to:

a) Jewish Lawyers and Jurists who identify with the objects of the Association.

b) Such other Lawyers and Jurists and Organizations of Lawyers and Jurists of whatever race, colour or creed, who identify
themselves with the objects of the Association.

Art.5. All applications for membership shall be made in writing. Members shall  be admitted by the decision of the Board of Governors.

Art.6. The Board of Governors shall have the right to exclude any member upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee but no member shall be excluded without notice and without having been given an opportunity of being heard.

Art.7. The Executive Committee shall have the right to exclude or suspend any member for failing to pay membership fees due by him under the Regulations.

Art.8. Membership for organizations in the Association shall be as one of the following:

A. Member Organization –

  1. An organization that has been approved by the Board of Governors of the International Association as a “Member Organization”.

  2. No organization shall be approved as a “Member Organization” unless it has declared its identification with the objects of the Association.

  3. A Member Organization shall have the right to include in its name the fact that it is a member organization of the International Association.

  4. A Member Organization shall pay annual membership dues, in the sum that shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Governors.

B.Affiliated Organization –

1. An Affiliated Organization shall be an organization that is approved by the Association’s Board of Governors as an Affiliated Organization.

2. No organization shall be approved as an Affiliated Organization unless it has been determined that its objects are not incompatible with the objects of the Association.

3. An Affiliated Organization shall have the right to include in its name the fact that it is an affiliated organization of the International Association.

4. An Affiliated Organization shall pay annual membership dues, in the sum that shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Governors.

5. Affiliated organizations shall be entitled to participate in all public events organized by the Association, as well as the right to be fully informed of all activities carried out by the Association, subject to paying their dues.

Art.9.  A member may resign membership by written application to the Association.


Art.10. The organs of the Association are: Congress, the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.


    1. The general meeting of the Association is the Congress.

    2. The Congress shall be convened every 3 years or such earlier date as the Board of Governors may decide.

    3. The Congress is the sovereign body of the Association.

    4. All members of the Association, in Israel and abroad, who are members by personal membership in the Association and which are not organizations have the right to attend and vote at the Congress.

    5. Every Member Organization which is not an Affiliated Organization, shall have the right to appoint a representative to participate in and vote at the Congress on its behalf.

    6. The Congress shall elect the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee.

    7. The congress may give special recognition to members who have rendered special services to the Association, by conferring on them the status of honorary members, honorary President and honorary deputy Presidents, who shall have the right to attend the meetings of the board of Governors.

    8. Every member in attendance shall have one vote.

    9. Delegates of member organizations which are not Affiliated Organizations shall have one vote for every 50 members of the organizations which they represent, but not more than 10 votes.

    10. Resolutions at the Congress shall be passed by simple majority of votes of members present and voting.

    11. Resolutions which concern the amendment of the Constitution of the Association require a majority of 75% of members present and voting.


    1. The Board of Governors is the body responsible for determining the policy of the International Association.

    2. The number of members of the Board of Governors shall be up to 40.

    3. The Board of Governors shall have the right to co-opt members on condition that the number of co-opted members shall not exceed 20% of the members of the Board of Governors elected by the Congress not including ex officio

    4. The Board of Governors shall be convened by the Executive Committee as required, but not less than twice a year.

    5. Every member of the Board of Governors shall have one vote.

    6. Members of the Board of Governors shall remain in office from one Congress to another.

    7. Decisions of the Board of Governors that may be of a general nature or which may influence the policy of the Association shall be brought before the Congress for ratification, however they shall be binding from the date of their adoption until ratification by the Congress.

    8. Permanent members of the Board of Governors, are members of the Executive Committee, the outgoing President and the outgoing Deputy President, the chief representatives of the Association in international institutions and up to 10 members who are Presidents of member organizations (that are Member Organizations). Other past presidents and deputy presidents of the Association will be invited to meetings of the Board of Governors.

    9. The balance of the members of the Board of Governors shall be elected directly by the Congress.

    10. The President of the International Association shall head the Board of Governors.


    1. The Executive Committee shall comprise: the President; the Deputy President; three Vice Presidents from Israel, of whom one shall serve as General Secretary, the second shall serve as Treasurer and the third as coordinator for international organizations; and three additional Vice Presidents, of whom one is being a representative of a member organization (that is “Member Organizations”). Tie cases shall be resolved by the President’s casting vote.

    2. The seat of the Executive Committee, of the President and of the Deputy President is in Israel.

    3. The Executive Committee is the Association’s permanent executive institution.

    4. The Executive Committee may co-opt no more than three members in an advisory capacity.

    5. Minimum number of executive committee members, necessary to conduct a meeting shall be four.

    6. The Executive Committee may nominate representatives to other international organizations.


a. No less than one hundred days from the day prior to the election day, the Board of Governors of the Association shall appoint an Elections Committee which shall be comprised of five members of the Association.

b. The committee shall hold its first meeting ninety days from the day prior to the election day.

c. A quorum for a meeting of the Elections Committee shall be three members, including the Chairman. Should a vote at a meeting of the Elections Committee be tied, the Chairman’s vote will be decisive.

d. At its first meeting the Elections Committee will examine the list of the Association’s members who have paid their annual dues for the current year up to seven days prior to the Committee’s first meeting. The Committee will approve the list as the electoral roll for the elections no later than the eightieth day prior to the election day.

e. The list of candidates from among the members of the Association for the Board of Governors and the Executive Committee, shall be submitted to the Elections Committee no later than the sixtieth day prior to the election day. A list of candidates shall include the curriculum vitae of each candidate and his consent to nomination, and shall be accepted by the Elections Committee only if supported by the signatures of 50 members of the Association registered in the electoral roll.

f. The Elections Committee shall publish the lists of the candidates standing for election at the Congress thirty days prior to the election-day. The list will be published on the Association’s internet site and at the Association’s offices in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Art.12. The funds of the Association shall comprise:

    1. Membership fees.

    2. Grants.

    3. Gifts, donations and legacies.

The amount of membership fees payable by members and organization members shall be determined yearly by the Board of Governors.


Art.13.The Association shall have power to do all such things, execute all such instruments, enter into all such agreements and acquire and dispose of all such property as may be considered by the Executive to be necessary and proper for the fulfillment, attainment or execution of any of its objects.


Art.14.The official languages of the Association are: Hebrew, English, French and Spanish.


Art.15.The Congress may decide upon the dissolution and winding up of the Association by a special resolution taken at a special meeting convened for that purpose, passed by majority of 75% of votes of members present and voting.

Upon dissolution the property of the Association shall be transferred to such public Institution or organization as the Congress may decide.


Art.16. The Executive Committee shall represent the Association in all matters in accordance with the resolution of the organs of the Association duly adopted in terms of their powers as defined in these articles.

Art.17. Resolutions of the Executive Committee shall be adopted by a simple majority of members of the Executive Committee, present and voting at a meeting of the Executive Committee convened according to rules to be established by the Executive Committee from time to time.

Art.18. The right to sign in the name of the Association shall be as established by the Executive Committee from time to time.


a) The Executive Committee may appoint office workers and/or other employees, with or without remuneration, to fulfill the objects of the Association and designate their functions, titles, powers and remuneration.

b) The assets of the Association shall be applied only for the fulfillment of its objects and division of profits or benefits of any kind among the members of the Association is prohibited”.

B.Transitional Provisions

The provisions of these Articles, with the exception of the provisions of Article 11, shall enter into effect immediately upon their ratification by the Congress. The provisions of Article 11 shall enter into effect prior to the Organization’s 14th Congress.

This amendment shall not affect the decisions regarding amendments adopted at the Fifth Congress on 30.7.1981.



Minutes of the General Meeting of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, held in Jerusalem at the Fifth Congress – Thursday 30.7.1981


Chairman of the General Meeting      – Dr. Yehoshua Rotenstreich

Meeting Secretary                              – Ms. Ofra Kidron


Following discussion the following decisions were adopted as special resolutions:

Pursuant to the provisions of the Amutot Law 5740-1980, it was resolved to adjust the Association’s Articles to the requirements of the law, as follows:

1.Following Article 9 d) the following Article shall be added:

9.e) Audit Committee.

(1)     An Audit Committee shall be elected at the Congress and shall be composed of a number of members to be determined from time to time by the Congress.
Unless otherwise determined the number of members shall be three.

(2)     The Audit Committee shall audit the Association’s records and books of account and shall be empowered to receive all information required to carry out its auditing role.

(3)     The members of the Audit Committee shall serve from one Congress to the next.

(4)     The Audit Committee shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Association’s Executive and to the Congress no less than two months prior to the date of the Congress.

(5)     The members of the Audit Committee shall appoint a chairman and secretary from among their number.

(6)     The chairman of the Audit Committee shall call meetings of the committee at least once a year.

(7)     The Congress may decide that an accountant may be appointed instead of an Audit Committee.

(8)     No member of the Association shall serve at one and the same time as a member of the Executive and as a member of the Audit Committee.


2.The following Article shall be added to Article 10 a):

Article 10 a) 10):

The Association’s Executive Committee may convene an extraordinary Congress at any time and shall be required to do so upon written request from the Audit Committee or from one tenth of the Association’s membership.

Article 14 shall be repealed and in its place shall come the following Article:

Article 14: A Congress whose agenda includes an item relating to the dissolution of the Association may decide on voluntary dissolution of the Association and the appointment of one or more liquidators. The decision shall require a majority of two thirds of those voting at the meeting, notice for which shall be given to all members of the Association 21 days in advance, indicating that it will be proposed at the meeting to decide on the Association’s dissolution.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 of the Articles, it is hereby decided that the right to sign on behalf of the Association shall be as determined from time to time by the Presidency and unless otherwise determined the signature of two of the members of the Presidency listed below, together with the rubber stamp bearing the name of the Association, shall be binding on the Association:

Justice Haim Cohen – President

Dr. Yehoshua Rotenstreich – First Deputy President

Adv. Yitzhak Ganon – Deputy President

Adv. Baruch Geisman – Director-General

Adv. Menachem Berger – Treasurer

Adv. Avraham Hori – Honorary General Secretary





Dr. Y. Rotenstreich

Chairman of the General Meeting



Ofra Kidron

Meeting Secretary




Minutes of the General Meeting of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, held in Jerusalem at the Fifth Congress – Thursday 30.7.1981


Chairman of the General Meeting      – Dr. Yehoshua Rotenstreich

Meeting Secretary                              – Ms. Ofra Kidron


Following discussion the following decision were adopted as special resolution:

In Article 14 of the Association’s Articles the following paragraph shall be added:

Upon dissolution of the Association its assets shall be transferred to such public institution or organization as decided by the Congress, provided that the assets shall be transferred for the purpose of carrying out goals similar to those of the Association. It shall be forbidden for members of the Association to receive any part whatsoever of the Association’s assets.





Dr. Y. Rotenstreich

Chairman of the General Meeting



Ofra Kidron

Meeting Secretary



The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

Addendum to the protocol of the General Meeting of The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, which took place in Jerusalem, during the 5th Congress, Thursday, 30.7.1981.


Chairman of the General Meeting – Dr. Yehoshua Rotenstreich, Advocate

Secretary of the Meeting – Ms. Ofra Kidron

After discussion the following additional decisions were taken as special decisions:

In accordance with the directives of the Non Profits Law 1980 (The Law), it was decided to add the following specified amendments in order to adjust the Rules and Regulations of the Association to the requirements of the Law, as follows:

In section 2 of the decisions that were forwarded to the Registrar of Non Profits, attached to the letter from the 18.10.82, the following regulations shall be added:

A) Regulation 10 A) (9) shall be revoked and in its stead shall be added the following regulation:

10 A) (9) – Decisions taken regarding amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the association shall be taken at a Meeting convened for this purpose, in a decision taken by a majority of 75% of those present who are entitled to vote at that Meeting.

B)To Regulation 10 A) (2) shall be added the following paragraph:

“A Regular General Meeting of the members of the Association shall be convened on the dates determined in its Rules and Regulations and no less than once per year. The Administration of the Association is entitled to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time and it shall do so in accordance with an instruction in writing of the Audit Committee of the Auditing body, or of one tenth of the all members of the Association.”






Dr. Y. Rotenstreich

Chairman of the General Meeting



Ofra Kidron

Secretary of the Meeting


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