JUSTICE - No. 66

9 Spring 2021 State of Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain on 15 September 2020. 14 Joint Communiqué on the E st ablishment of Diplomatic, Peaceful and Friendly Relations between the State of Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain — Signed on 18 October 2020, ratified in Israel on 15 November 2020. Bahrain notified Israel on completion of ratification proceedings on 10 December 2020. The Joint Communiqué is in force. n In addition, the following documents were signed on 18 October 2020 15 : n Agreement on telecommunications. Ratification on both sides still pending. n Agreement on exemption of visa requirements for diplomats. The agreement came into force on 12 January 2021. n MOU on economic and trade cooperation. Ratified by Bahrain. Pending final ratification by Israel. n MOUs between the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs, the Ministries of Finance, and the Ministries of Agriculture. These MOUs came into force upon signature. n MOUs on tourism, small business and technical cooperation. Signed in Jerusalem on 1 December 2020. 16 Came into force upon signature. 14. Abraham Accords: Declaration of Peace, Cooperation, and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly Relations, U.S. D EPARTMENT OF S TATE (Sept. 15, 2020), available at https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ Bahrain_Israel-Agreement-signed-FINAL-15- Sept-2020-508.pdf 15. Israel and Bahrain sign Memorandums of Understanding, I SRAEL M INISTRY OF F OREIGN A FFAIRS (Oct. 18, 2020), available at https://mfa.gov.il/MFA/PressRoom/2020/Pages/Israel- and-Bahrain-sign-Memorandums-of-Understanding- 18-October-2020.aspx 16. Bahrain News Agency, “Bahrain and Israel sign cooperation agreements,” B AHRAIN N EWS A GENCY , Dec. 1, 2020, available at https://www.bna.bh/en/ BahrainandIsraelsigncooperationagreements.aspx?cm s=q8FmFJgiscL2fwIzON1%2BDgqGvX2jzJwtHoaGykH DXsI%3D n In addition, there are ongoing negotiations regarding several MOUs in other fields. Morocco: Documents signed in Rabat on 22 December 2020: n Joint Declaration by the Kingdom of Morocco, the United States of America and the State of Israel. 17 n Exchange of notes regarding reopening liaison offices in Tel-Aviv and Rabat. Israel announced the arrival of the Israeli Chargé d’Affaires in Rabat on 26 January 2021. 18 n Agreement on exemption of visa formalities for holders of diplomatic and service passports. Pending ratification by both sides. n MOUs regarding civil aviation, finance and investments, innovation and development of water resources. Came into force upon signature. 19 n In addition, there are ongoing negotiations regarding several MOUs in other fields. Sudan: n Joint Statement of the United States, the Republic of Sudan, and the State of Israel Issued on 23 October 2020. 20 17. Joint Declaration, U.S. E MBASSY & C ONSULATES IN M OROCCO (Dec. 22, 2020), available at https://ma.usembassy.gov/ joint-declaration/ 18. https://www.gov.il/he/departments/news/arrival_of_ the_israeli_commissioner_to_rabat_and_the_opening_ of_the_consulate_general_of_israel_in_dubai 19. The Kingdom of Morocco and the State of Israel Concluded Four Agreements, K INGDOM OF M OROCCO M INISTRY OF F OREIGN A FFAIRS A FRICAN C OOPERATION AND M OROCCAN E XPATRIATES (Dec. 22, 2020), available at https:// www.diplomatie.ma/en/kingdom-morocco-and-state- israel-concluded-four-agreements 20. Joint Statement of the United States, the Republic of Sudan, and the State of Israel, U.S. E MBASSY IN Q ATAR (Oct. 23, 2020), available at https://qa.usembassy.gov/ joint-statement-of-the-united-states-the-republic-of- sudan-and-the-state-of-israel/