JUSTICE - No. 66
Justice is one of the goals of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists. Thus, the Association works to advance human rights everywhere, addressing in particular issues of concern to the Jewish people through its commitment to combat racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, Holocaust denial and negation of the State of Israel. We invite you to join a membership of lawyers, judges, judicial officers and academic jurists in more than thirty countries who are active locally and internationally in promoting our aims. Help make a difference by completing the membership form on the opposite page and mailing it to us together with the annual membership fee of US $100. צדק E NGLISH : 1. justness, correctness. 2. righteousness, justice. 3. salvation. 4. deliverance, victory. [ A RAMAIC : צדק (he was righteous), S YRIAC : זדק (it is right), U GARITIC : dq ( = reliability, virtue), A RABIC : adaqa ( = he spoke the truth), E THIOPIC : adaqa ( = he was just, righteous)] Derivatives: צדקה P OST-BIBLICAL H EBREW : alms, charity. Cp. A RAMAIC צדקתה ( = justice). P ALMYRENE צדקתה ( = it is right). צדק 1. just, righteous. 2. pious. Ernest Klein, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English. 1987: Carta/University of Haifa www.ijl.org 10 Daniel Frisch St., Tel Aviv 6473111 Telephone: + 972 3 691 0673 Fax: + 972 3 695 3855 THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH LAWYERS AND JURISTS (R.A.) ה א ר ג ו ן ה ב י נ ל א ו מ י ש ל ע ו ר כ י - ד י ן ו מ ש פ ט נ י ם י ה ו ד י ם ( ע ״ ר )